The Science of Interpreting
the Bible.
Creation, Fall, Restoration:
A Biblical Theology of Creation
by Andrew S. Kulikovsky
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Created & maintained by
Andrew S. Kulikovsky
B.App.Sc(Hons) M.A.
"...devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching
and to teaching."
- 1 Timothy 4:13.
The purpose of this page is to present a comprehensive and coherent
methodology for Biblical interpretation. Many skeptics have complained
that the Bible can't tell us anything of any real value because every person
interprets it differently. While this is surely an overstatement - there
is a great deal contained in the Bible that many Bible-believing Christians
do in fact agree on - the reason why there are so many different interpretations
is because interpreters don't follow any sensible or consistent method.
This naturally leads to inaccurate, inconsistent, illogical and naive interpretations.
With so many different interpretations available, how is anyone supposed
to know which is the correct one? By examining the nature of the Bible,
the events it records and how it was written, it is possible to come up
with a method of interpretation that is sensible and understandable.
The Bible is an historical book - it records people and events in
history. Therefore, if we want to correctly interpret it we must understand
its historical background and context. The Bible is also written in human
language (Koine or Hellenistic Greek, Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic). Therefore,
if we want to correctly interpret it we must understand the language (ie.
word meanings and grammar) in which it is written.
The sections below contains links to information that will help you
study the Bible for yourself and articles which I (Andrew
Kulikovsky) have written on various subjects. Any of my articles may
be freely downloaded, printed, copied, quoted and distributed to whoever
you like as long as they are not sold or changed without my permission
and credit is given where credit is due.
I hope you find the contents interesting and informative. If you
have any comments or suggestions for this page then please let
me know.
view of Pergamum (Rev. 2:12)
Other Ancient Near Eastern Languages 
A comprehensive guide to the Akkadian language including discussions of
history, geography, grammar, vocabulary, cuneiform writing system and texts.
Ugaritic A basic
introduction and course outline.
Hieroglyph Resources
Page of Papyrus P66
Exegetical Journals:
Note: The journals I have listed
below are given because they represent (generally) good scholarship and
most importantly because they are free! In other words, I do not necessarily
agree with every article or every specific point in each article.
Bible and Science/Philosophy Journals:
Exegetical/Technical Articles:
Review of Mapping the Origins Debate by Gerald Rau - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 30/2 (2016) 26-29.
Review of How the West Won by Rodney Stark - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 29/1 (2015) 45-50.
Review of In the Beginning...We Misunderstood by Johnny V. Miller and John M. Soden - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 28/2 (2014) 45-50.
The Theological Corruption of the Evangelical Church - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 27/2 (2013) 120-127.
Review of Revisiting the Days of Genesis by B.C. Hodge - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 27/2 (2013) 23-28.
Review of An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming by Nigel Lawson - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 26/3 (2012) 34-37.
Human Dominion and Reproduction - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 26/1 (2012) 43-47.
- Common Errors Made by Deniers of a Young Earth - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Creation 33/3 (2011) 41-43.
Review of Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation by
Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in
Journal of Creation 25/3 (2011) 37-41.
Review of Beginnings: The Early Chapters of Genesis by
Gregory Goswell - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in
Journal of Creation 25/2 (2011) 58-60.
- Science and the Authority of Scripture - Part 2 - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Evangelical Action (February/March 2011) 18-25.
- Science and the Authority of Scripture - Part 1 - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Evangelical Action Annual (December 2010) 50-55.
Review of Coming to Grips with Genesis edited by
Terry Mortenson and Thane Ury - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in
Journal of Creation 24/2 (2010) 28-31.
Review of The Dance Between Science and Faith by
Nick Hawkes - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in
Journal of Creation 23/3 (2009) 44-48.
Review of Discovering God by
Rodney Stark - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in
Journal of Creation 23/3 (2009) 31-34.
- Can Recolonization Explain the Rock Record - with John Reed and Michael Oard - As published in Creation Research Society Quarterly 46 (2009) 27-39.
- Creation, Preservation and Dominion: Part 3 - A Christian Approach to Environmental Issues - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 23/2 (2009) 90-95.
- Creation, Preservation and Dominion: Part 2 - Christianity, Development and Environmentalism - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 23/2 (2009) 82-89.
- Creation, Preservation and Dominion: Part 1 - God, Humanity and the Created Order - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 23/1 (2009) 86-93.
Review of From Creation to New Creation - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 22/3 (2008) 32-34.
Science and Peer Review - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 22/1 (2008) 44-49.
Review of Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by J.P.
Moreland and William Lane Craig - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in
Journal of Creation 22/1 (2008) 23-27.
Biblical View of Economics and Industrial Relations - by Andrew Kulikovsky -
Paper presented at Summit Australia Conference, Melbourne, January 2008.
of Science and Faith: Friend of Foes? by C. John Collins - by Andrew
Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 21/3 (2007) 37-43.
and Genesis: An Historical Survey - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Creation
Research Society Quarterly 43/4 (March 2007) 14-20.
and the Bible - by Andrew Kulikovsky - Paper presented at Summit Australia
Conference, Canberra, January 2007.
of Creation Out of Nothing by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig - by
Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 21/1 (2007)
of On the Reliability of the Old Testament by Ken Kitchen - by Andrew
Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of Creation 20/2 (2006) 20-23.
and the Bible - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of
Creation 19/3 (2005) 14-20.
and General Revelation - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal of
Creation 19/2 (2005) 23-28.
- How
could Adam Have Named All the Animals in A Single Day? - by Andrew
Kulikovsky - As published in Creation 27/3 (2005) 27.
of Genesis: A Commentary by Bruce K. Waltke - By Andrew Kulikovsky
- As published in Journal
of Creation 16/2 (2002) 40-41.
- Review
of Reason, Science and Faith by Roger Forster and Paul Marston
- by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 16/2 (2002) 31-36.
- Review
of The Genesis Debate ed by David Hagopian - by Andrew
Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 16/1 (2002) 41-44
- A Critique of the Literary Framework View of
the Days of Creation - by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Creation
Research Society Quarterly 37/4 (March 2001) 237-244.
of Science and Christianity ed by R. Carlson - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- As published in Journal
of Creation 15/1 (2001)
- Review of Genesis Unbound by John Sailhamer-
by Andrew Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 14/3 (2000) 35-38.
- Review of Three Views on Creation and Evolution
ed by J. P. Moreland and J. M. Reynolds - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- As published in Journal
of Creation 14/1 (2000)
- God's Rest in Hebrews 4:1-11 - by Andrew
Kulikovsky - As published in Journal
of Creation 13/2 (1999) 61-62.
- A Summary of Evidence for Literal 24-hr Creation
Days in Genesis 1 -
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Notes - The Parable of the Tenants - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- The Nature of God - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- God's "omni" Atrributes - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- The Historical Context of Paul's Letters to the
Galatians & Romans - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- Paul's View of the Law in Galatians & Romans-
by Andrew Kulikovsky
- The Consequences of the Fall & the Depravity
of Man According to Romans - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- Exegesis of Matthew 13:1-23 - The Parable of
the Soils - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- Exegesis of Matthew 19:16-30 - The Rich Young
Man - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- The Sermon on the Mount from a Kingdom Perspective
- by Andrew Kulikovsky
- The Holy Spirit and the Effect of His Indwelling
and Infilling Ministries on the Christian Life - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- Miraculous Manifestations of the Holy Spirit:Their
Purpose and Relevance for Today - by Andrew Kulikovsky
- Mark Noll's Scandalous Criticisms of Creation
Science: A Review of 'The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind' by Mark A. Noll
- Reviewed by Andrew Kulikovsky
Devotional Articles:
you have any comments or suggestions please let
me know.